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Once again, we successfully Certified for ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

Tanong Company is proud to announce that after our initial application for ISO 14001 Environmental Management System certification in 2023 and successfully obtaining it, we have once again successfully passed the ISO 14001 audit certification in 2024. This achievement is the result of the continuous efforts of the entire company and a testament to our commitment to environmental protection!
ISO 14001 is an international standard representing certification of an environmental management system. Achieving this certification indicates that our business meets the requirements for environmental sustainability. This means that we consider and minimize environmental impact during our production processes. This includes reducing energy and resource waste, lowering pollutant emissions, and ensuring proper handling and disposal of waste and refuse.
When considering purchasing sprayers, misting systems, high-pressure pumps, high-pressure washers, or any related accessories, one should seriously consider the factor of whether the manufacturer is environmentally friendly. ISO 14001 certification proves Tanong Company's commitment to environmental protection. As more people realize the importance of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues , our actions will also significantly impact the future of our global community.
Moreover, achieving ISO 14001 certification enables Tanong Company to manage and control environmental risks better. This certification drives us to continually improve our environmental management system, ensuring that our operations remain sustainable and competitive enough throughout the entire supply chain. Thanks to all the clients for the long-term support and trust in Tanong Company. Tanong Company will continue to strive for excellence!

In 2024, our company successfully passed ISO14001 certification

Photo taken during the closing meeting as SGS audit personnel report the audit results.

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