Diamond High Pressure Pump - Sprayer and Accessories Manufacturing and Development 50 Years Experience


Misting System


Misting System

Our misting system is cored with self-designed and developed high-pressure misting pumps integrated with control system, filtering devices, misting nozzles and pipeline, sensor components, and sheet metal frames to form a set of misting systems that are easy to install yet provide different operation modes.

All Kind Of Misting System

To meet with different application environments and user needs, we have extended our misting system into many different types, such as DIY level suitable for consumer self-installation, portable misting fans suitable for free movement, UV misting series suitable for food humidification, medium to large misting systems suitable for multi-pipeline application in different sizes of areas, and stainless steel misting systems suitable for installation in corrosive environments.
Since planning a misting system installation requires a lot of engineering calculations and on-site measurement and analysis, Tanong provides proper consultations for engineering firms or users on setting up a misting system, and provides best machine and hardware configure recommendations under an appropriate planning.

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